Energy Software

Energy Systems

Our Open Integration Platform Sky-Walker is capable of integrating Energy Systems in one software solution. See below how our Energy Systems can be beneficial for your control room.

What is energy system integration?

Energy systems are designed to measure data. This data is related to energy consumption in a room or building in order to reduce energy consumption. With an energy system, a company registers and measures the flow of electrical energy for every half-hour and for longer terms as well. All this data is collected and transmitted to the integration platform.

In most cases the technology is used as an energy counter. The system can be integrated with multifunction measuring units and energy management systems in the integration platform. An operator monitors can monitor the general consumption of the building and provides maintenance if the consumption is too high. 

Measuring Energy


All of the technologies have a precise measurement of the building energy consumption.



The dashboard in the integration platform detects faults on the technologies.

Reducing Energy


The maintenance on the equipment can reduce energy consumption.

Energy systems within Sky-Walker

An energy system can be used with other systems such as lighting and CCTV. This will create more comfort for your organization. For instance, if lights are left on too often, the operator receives a notification of the consumption of the lights in the interface. Here he can decide to turn the lights of or set up an automatic shut-off when the inhabitants come out of the rooms. The cameras will confirm this if there is a problem.

We integrate all these different types of systems into one, intuitive and easy-to-use interface. Energy system along with others such as lighting and CCTV are connected to the Ethernet either directly or via a converter to enable communication with the integration software Sky-Walker. Subsystems work intelligently and transmit information directly to Sky-Walker.

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