CCTV Systems

Are you in a situation where there are just too many cameras to monitor? Our software Sky-Walker helps you turn all that chaos into an easy-to-use PSIM application. Learn more below about how you can integrate your CCTV systems with our Platform Sky-Walker

What is CCTV system integration?

CCTV (closed-circuit television) systems are designed to film and then display a live or recorded situation within a designated area. Thanks to the use of a CCTV system, any organization can monitor public and private spaces. As a result, crime can be prevented, security can be improved and so on. Moreover, because the circuit is closed, the company can restrict access to the system by providing more or less extensive access rights to security staff. 

Cameras integrated within a CCTV system capture and transmit footage from inside and outside the infrastructure to a video management system which records these images and visualizes them in real time. Each camera footage is stored into the database of the video management system which them to be retrieved very easily.

Easy to use,

easy to learn

By integrating your CCTV system into our open integration software Sky-Walker, your security staff needs only to have knowledge of our easy-to-use Sky-Walker platform to access all the video feeds.

In Sky-Walker, procedures can be pre-defined as well in which the staff goes trough easy-to-follow steps to ensure a more efficient security process.

Manufacturer independence

Integrating CCTV in our Sky-Walker open integration platform enables you to freely choose the manufacturer. Our platform is completely independent of manufacturers and can combine images of several brands in a clear IP matrix.

This is especially helpful when starting new projects or new locations. You are once again free to search for the best suited CCTV brand instead of having to choose the existing one again.

Synergy with other systems

Having multiple systems like CCTV and for example fire detection in place is great. But have you ever thought of the synergy effects of combining them in a central integration software tool?

The advantages are endless. Think for example of being able to watch the video of a fire alerts location automatically, without even having to search for the right CCTV camera.

CCTV systems within Sky-Walker

The strength of our integration software platform Sky-Walker is to make separate systems work together . Yes, a CCTV is perfectly capable of running on it's own. But by using it together with the other systems your organization has in place, the entire safety, security and building management processes can be taken to completely new level.

We integrate all these different types of systems into one, intuitive and easy-to-use interface . Smart interactions make sure that nothing is missed by the security staff. For example, an alarm can come in of someone trying to enter a locked door. Automatically, the video feed is switched to a live-view of of the CCTV camera pointed to that door.

CCTV systems are often integrated with

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