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Boost Your Safety & Security Workflow Today!

Experience a live customized demo, get answers to your specific questions, and find out why Sky-Walker is the right choice for your organization. Schedule a demo and let Sky-Walker boost your safety & security workflow today!

Why Sky-Walker Software?

Easily manages the safety & security within your building

Can integrate any security & safety system vendor independent

Advanced incident & alarm management capabilities

Smart energy monitoring & IoT possibilities for smart buildings

Save costs & time with fully automated operational tasks

Get clever insights by combining Sky-Walker with A.I.

Customers love using Sky-Walker PSIM Software


Security Operators Globally


Active Control Rooms


Critical Incidents Solved


System Integrations

Why people believe in us

Miet Loix, CEO

“With Sky-Walker, we can provide our customers with a customized service in supporting their critical business processes.”

Miet Loix, CEO

Wouter Goos, Global Operations

"Sky-Walker brings efficiency to the control room, for both operators, managers, and other stakeholders within your company."

Wouter Goos, Global Operations

Godart Raets, Product Manager

“We’ve designed Sky-Walker intending to give the operator the best possible user experience in crucial and stress-full situations.” 

Godart Raets, Product Manager

Koen Elens, Software Architect

"Thanks to Sky-Walker, our customers now have full control of the information our PSIM Platform delivers within seconds."

Koen Elens, Software Architect

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